Mutual aid and support association
to schooling in Benin
RNA-France : W743001602
Benin : 2016/169 MISP/DC/SGM/DAIC/SAAP-Assoc/SA

You can support us as a volunteer. Volunteers join to animate the socio-cultural actvities organized or animate our upcoming holiday villages outputs.
Being a member is to be at the heart of actions MIMAN. You are both involved in the support of our beninese children in the participation to various projects in live. The membership allows you to also take part to MIMAN's information spaces, to decisions.
To associate you life MIMAN through its information spaces, participation, decision making, responsibility.
Become a member or renew membrership.
•50€ for simple membership for months.

Our Teachers

You have knowledge to share, you are teachers and want to share your experience or give some of your time.
You are student and want to lend give a hand or be an internship in a school in Benin.
You are young retirees and want to share your expertise in outside school activities so :